May Day In Pacific Northwest Ain’t Nothing To Fuck With

The recent flood of FBI activity at the doorsteps of Anarchist’s homes, schools, and places of employment has definitely made for a shit show in the pnw for the last few days. I empathize with anyone who had to so much as look at the smug mug of one of those aging football fans who has achieved their life’s goal as special agent ass-hat. It seems as though most if not everyone who was approached by an agent this past week responded with a swiftly slammed door. Nonetheless it is upsetting to deal with intimidation from the state.

I expect though, that when anxieties settle and folx get a chance to take a step back from the situation, that these incidents are considered strategically. More than anything else, this show of numbers seems to be a concerted effort to scare folx away from any May Day plans. It seems that the feds want to pretend that they are keeping tabs all of us and that nothing like last year’s May Day in Seattle will happen under their watch. This feigned panopticon feeds into our fear of the police and our own self-aggrandizement. It’s reasonable to be prepared for subpoenas or further harassment, but if it is the only thing we do this upcoming week then we will have lost something important.

My hope is that Anarchists in the pnw will not let ourselves be disheartened. Through the wall of silence that has been created by Anarchists subpoenaed, questioned, and investigated in this most recent Grand Jury in Seattle we are demonstrating our emerging backbone. From this same wall nearly a hundred solidarity actions have rained down against the state. We are stronger than they expected and we should take that momentum and find ways to celebrate May Day in conflict with the state. We owe it to whomever broke those courthouse doors last year. We owe it to those who sat in jail for months on end in solitary confinement. We owe it to everyone who picked up a rock, molotov or banner in solidarity with us. While the police and FBI are groping the air in vain for a way to crush us, let’s attack with all of the anger and strength amassed over the past year. Let us give May Day new meaning and memories to smile about in the weeks to come.

Call Out: Vancouver Mayday Anti-Capitalist March

WHEN: May 1st, 6:30 PM
WHERE: Victory Square (Hastings and Cambie), uncededed Tsleil-Waututh,
Musqueam and Squamish Nation land
WHO: YOU! And as many of your supportive pals as you can bring
WHY: Allow us to explain!

There are three concurrent themes in Vancouver and BC these days:
industrial expansion (oil and LNG pipelines, coal mines, disregard for
First Nations’ treaty rights and traditional territories), gentrification
(loss of affordable housing, condo development, exploitative businesses)
and the repression of our comrades the Grand Jury resisters from Seattle
and Portland. These three may seem random or “a bunch of different stuff
to be mad about”, but they are inextricably linked.

Gentrification (the deliberate practice of displacement of poor folks by
the wealthy class) is fed and pushed forward by the global and local
market, which is fueled by industrial expansion. It’s hardly a surprise
that these two atrocities are hotly contested, and lead to beautiful
resistance and mobilizations by communities everywhere including folks
like the Grand Jury resisters.

May Day is a time to remember those in the struggle that have been
repressed and murdered by the state, and a time to remind the state that
we are a threat. It is important to remind those who do harm to our
communities and those who harm this land that together we are a powerful

The organizers of this event celebrate and encourage beautiful diversity
of tactics.

Join us on May Day. Together we are stronger than they are.