Beat The Pipelines May 1st

We Can Beat the Pipelines!

May 1st – 7pm – Victory Square

May 1st (Mayday) has annually been a day for celebration of worker struggles around the world. It commemorates the hanging of eight Chicago anarchists in 1886 for their role as leaders in the struggle for the eight hour work day….

At one time they were in a life and death struggle with the bosses and the government, modern day labour organizations are now often the polar opposite. Business unions work hand in hand with capitalism and jockey for positions in resource extraction projects like tar sands pipelines, and spectacles like the Olympics. Meanwhile working conditions degrade, as do conditions in the lives of workers. The land is poisoned locally, while climate change causes drought and catastrophe around the world.

Labour unions are not alone though, environmental organizations too are tied into the workings and logic of the system, as always are political parties and Indian Act Band Councils. People gasp in disbelief with every government stamp and sell out from progressive organization that works in the interests of business and government. But with every compromised representative comes a powerful opportunity. When we lose our faith in mediation with the exploiters, we gain the possibility to create our own power.

Grassroots Wet’suwet’en land defenders have taken the plunge! The Unist’ot’en Camp sits in the way of the Pacific Trails (fracked gas) and Enbridge (tar sands oil) Pipelines. Relying on their traditional knowledge, communities, and new found affinities with anarchists and other radicals, they are intent on defending their territories and they will allow no treaty or legal route to do it for them.

For this must be a diverse struggle including blockades, disruption and rebellion on the land, and in the city streets. We must declare that no law, no politician, and no sustainable business plan will beat these pipelines, but WE will beat these pipelines, just as WE will have to learn how to live without them.

Join us this mayday for the first in a series of demonstrations that celebrate the example of the Unist’ot’en, the resistance that pipelines have met so far, and the escalated fight they will meet in the future. This time on international workers day, because workers need clean water too, just as all human beings need a living planet.

For more info on the Unist’ot’en Camp see


This Blog Has Moved

Uncontrollable Vancouver will be the new site to replace the May Day one created. The new site will feature events, news and stories concerning anarchists and anti capitalists in Vancouver (Coast Salish Territory) and around the Pacific Northwest. So if you like check it out. Link is below and feel free to share it widely.

Why Do We Wear Masks?

Posted from Puget Sound Anarchists

We cover our faces and conceal our appearances for the simple reason that we have no need to be identified. In this world where cameras sit on every other street corner, where the police, CSIS and RCMP use every chance to profile us and to build up files on our activities, where participation in social struggle or public demonstrations can compromise our freedom and ability to act in the future, we see no reason to make their jobs easier for them. Just as we refuse to cooperate with police interrogations and police investigation, we’re also going to make it as hard as we can for the systems of social control to crack down and break us. Developing a practice of (partial) anonymity in situations we choose opens up space for participating in actions for folks who would otherwise be risking too much be it legal status, immigration status, or employment. Not only does it make profiling more difficult, but it also helps to keep people out of police custody. Wearing masks won’t get us home safely all the time, but it does disrupt routine repression and social control.

It is time we break them
Instead of letting them break us!

Vancouver May Day Report Back

Originally posted on Vancouver Media Coop

On May 1st, 2013 Coast Salish Territory (Vancouver) over 100 people gathered, some in Black Bloc, some masked, and some not, at Victory Square to join a widely called anti-capitalist/anti-colonial march to celebrate May Day. It was centered on the Grand Jury Resisters and the ongoing gentrification of our neighborhoods, particularly the downtown eastside.

Banners were unfolded expressing queer insurrection and hate for the state, capitalism and yuppies. (“Rich Scum Beware, CLASS WAR.” “These Faggots Fuck The State” and “Mayday Means Attack” etc). A few comrades spoke at the square, including one militant who expressed hatred for the state in a vitriolic speech. The militant expressed solidarity with Bangladesh workers, hunger strikers from Guantanamo may and the Grand Jury resisters.

After the speech, music was cranked to the max and torches were lit followed by cheers from the crowd. During the commotion, someone tagged ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards) on the cement at the square. We then quickly took off east on Hastings, taking up all 6 lanes chanting “Whose Streets? Our Streets!” Yuppie business owners quickly grabbed their signs and locked their doors. These yuppies even called 911 where they were told to stay inside and lock their doors. We proudly chanted “FUCK THE POLICE” and “No Yuppies on Stolen Native Land”. The police presence was minimal at first, but when we took a turn toward Pidgin, which has been ground zero for the class war, 10 pigs on bikes showed their love for the rich, blockading the door, and prevented any damage. This however, did not stop a paint bomb from being thrown. People also chanted “1. 2. 3. 4. This Is Fucking Class War. 5. 6. 7. 8. Organize and Smash The State.”

At this point a Riot Squad (Public Safety Unit) was deployed raising the amount of cops to around 30. Marchers with flagpoles and banners prevented the cops from entering the demo while others hurled insults at the pathetic police. Cones and other traffic signs were also tossed into the street. A bike cop decided to bring out his phone to take pictures of the demo. A few second later the dumb pig ran into a tree, and laughter reverberated off the ugly buildings. Even the militant ones chortled.

As the march proceeded down Main street marchers expressed rage for condo development on the Keefer block which has been tagged many times with “gentriFUCKation” and circle A’s. The police attempted a kettle at one point, but the march broke through before they were able to fully surround us and we continued on our planned route, to their dismay. We then decided to disperse at Main and Terminal. The police presence at this point was over 50.  Marchers were slow to disperse causing some to be singled out once they were out of the park. One comrade left with the sound system and ended up getting hassled by a bike cop. This person defiantly did not give any info to the pig. Once they tried to leave the cop grabed onto the bike trailer. Then the person unlatched the trailer from his bike and escaped to safety. You may have our sound system but all our comrades are safe and free. We learned how many pigs it takes to serve 3 jaywalking tickets: 50. No charges or arrests were made.



(350 Carrall St Vancouver BC)

The police intimidation during protests and pickets has increased and must be responded to immediately.  A comrade has now had their name released and is being charged for an alleged thought crime.  This has not only resulted in increased intimidation at the pickets but also at peoples’ homes and work places. We are asking for you to come out and show solidarity to not only our comrade facing repression but also these picketers. A flame has been ignited in all of us and no amount of water or repression will ever put it out. Let everyone know: this Saturday May 4th, Pidgin, 6pm. Bring banners, friends, signs and your loud voices.

Solidarity is our weapon when faced with repression.

See you at Pidgin.

Worldwide Worker Woes: May Day clashes in Germany, Spain, Colombia, Chile

Millions took to the streets to take part in May 1 demonstrations around the globe. From union rallies to protests and clashes with police, the International Labor Day events drew attention to the issues of austerity, unemployment and workers rights. READ MORE:

Vancouver May 1st Anti-capitalist March Photos

Over 100 people rallied at Victory Square in downtown Vancouver for a May Day anti-capitalist march.  After lighting torches the protesters marched through the Downtown Eastside, briefly stopping at the Pidgin restaurant which has been the target of ongoing anti-gentrification pickets.  Vancouver police had a large number of cops, primarily from the Public Safety Unit (PSU) deployed.  By the end of the march near the Main Street Skytrain station there were as many as 50 cops.

More photos at:

Cautionary Note to May Day Protesters, Rioters, and Combatants: Stay Free

Originally posted on Puget Sound Anarchists

Please spread this and other good information about security culture throughout your friend networks in order to be sure it is read beyond the limits of the anarchist milieu.

Today’s riotous anti-capitalist demonstration was wild and exhilarating. Now let’s review some tips for keeping safe after the fact.

– Do not keep the clothes you wore at the demonstration tonight! Dispose of them securely. The police are already asking for photographs and videos in which people could be identified committing crimes. If you did anything that might have been illegal tonight, or could be mistaken for someone who did, ditch those clothes before they become evidence against you!

– Similarly, do not keep any other instrument you used to commit a crime. For example, there are already photos in the media of people breaking windows with visible, recognizable implements. Ditch those tools before they become evidence against you!

– DO NOT BRAG ABOUT RIOTING OR OTHER ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, ESPECIALLY NOT ON THE INTERNET OR IN TEXTS! The police will be scouring Facebook and other social media looking for such boasts. If they arrest you, they will confiscate your phone and use information they find in text messages (including ones you think are deleted) as evidence against you. Resist the urge to brag to friends about tonight. This is a double-edged sword: the seductive appeal of insurrection should be communicated and spread, but be careful. For example, it may be okay to talk about being at an event or supporting what happened there, but it is a terrible mistake to claim to have thrown a bottle or to know who did.

– The police may also be looking to talk to anyone who was there to identify certain individuals as troublemakers; NEVER PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER DEMONSTRATORS TO LAW ENFORCEMENT! This is most easily accomplished by not talking to the police at all.

Learn more about security culture:

May Day In Pacific Northwest Ain’t Nothing To Fuck With

The recent flood of FBI activity at the doorsteps of Anarchist’s homes, schools, and places of employment has definitely made for a shit show in the pnw for the last few days. I empathize with anyone who had to so much as look at the smug mug of one of those aging football fans who has achieved their life’s goal as special agent ass-hat. It seems as though most if not everyone who was approached by an agent this past week responded with a swiftly slammed door. Nonetheless it is upsetting to deal with intimidation from the state.

I expect though, that when anxieties settle and folx get a chance to take a step back from the situation, that these incidents are considered strategically. More than anything else, this show of numbers seems to be a concerted effort to scare folx away from any May Day plans. It seems that the feds want to pretend that they are keeping tabs all of us and that nothing like last year’s May Day in Seattle will happen under their watch. This feigned panopticon feeds into our fear of the police and our own self-aggrandizement. It’s reasonable to be prepared for subpoenas or further harassment, but if it is the only thing we do this upcoming week then we will have lost something important.

My hope is that Anarchists in the pnw will not let ourselves be disheartened. Through the wall of silence that has been created by Anarchists subpoenaed, questioned, and investigated in this most recent Grand Jury in Seattle we are demonstrating our emerging backbone. From this same wall nearly a hundred solidarity actions have rained down against the state. We are stronger than they expected and we should take that momentum and find ways to celebrate May Day in conflict with the state. We owe it to whomever broke those courthouse doors last year. We owe it to those who sat in jail for months on end in solitary confinement. We owe it to everyone who picked up a rock, molotov or banner in solidarity with us. While the police and FBI are groping the air in vain for a way to crush us, let’s attack with all of the anger and strength amassed over the past year. Let us give May Day new meaning and memories to smile about in the weeks to come.