Responding With Defiance: When the Cops Knock

Originally Posted On Vancouver Media Coop by InConstantChaos

This is a really short primer for what to do if you get a knock on the door from the shitty’s finest.  It was written in response to reports of people in the community*** being pestered and nagged by the po-po as of late.  It’s just my experience, and is certainly not legal tender, but is meant to empower all of us against the repression we’ve been seeing (and will likely continue to see).

So, the Vancouver Police Department have been visiting punks and radicals over the past couple weeks.  This sucks.  This makes me hate the colour blue.  But, since it’s happening, it’s important to know a few things, and if we can figure out their weak spots and ways to avoid the unpleasantries, we’ll do a lot better if these knocks are ever heard on our own doors.

First off, YOU DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER THE DOOR!  If you decide you’d rather not have your nice afternoon interrupted by the po-po, just don’t open the door.  You can just go ahead and close the door upon realizing it’s the unfriendlies on the other side, and this will piss them off to no end.  If you do this, awesome.  Unless they’ve got a search warrant; in which case they might not even knock; they won’t likely bust in your door.  In Vancouver’s ‘po-vs-the radicals’ climate right now, they seem to be fishing for information more than going for the heavy handed approach.  If you don’t answer the door, they might come back.  But if you do answer the door, they also might come back, as has been happening to buddies this week.

If you do open the door and are forced into some sort of interaction with them, remember that they may have a recording device taping your whole interaction: this has also been happening lately.   If you decide to stay and engage them, be prepared for an interrogation-like conversation, likely leading nowhere good.  In my opinion, the only possible good thing that could come out of this is that you might get a little bit of information out of them that can be passed along to affected members of the community.  If they DO question you about particular individuals, DON’T SAY ANYTHING!  Also, try to let the individuals know what’s going on, as it could help us create patterns and networks of our own and ultimately lead to more affinity among us as we resist together!

DO NOT LET THEM INTO YOUR HOUSE!  Once you’ve invited them in, they can come in and search without a search warrant.  If you choose to talk to them, do it outside or through the door or through a crack in the door.

At any time, you can pull the “am I arrested? am I detained? then I am free to go-bye!” card and end the conversation on your terms, because the law says that unless you are either arrested or being detained, you are free to go.  Though this doesn’t always work because cops are bullies that often break the law (and get away with it, remember), at least we can know our shit, so that when they try to intimidate us, we can feel confident in telling them to STUFF IT!!  They can NEVER force you to give information that you don’t want to give.  Just don’t help them!  Any info you give, especially about other people, will add to their case or investigation, and might, no matter how innocuous it may seem, be the final piece in some puzzle they are trying to fabricate.  It would *beyond* suck to put your comrade behind bars…. so just don’t give them anything.

At the very least, if you talk to them, get their badge number, name, and a business card.  If things do go to court, for you or someone else, this information may be helpful in the case against the police.

Basically, it’s important to remember whose side we’re on.  Do we want to protect each other, or do we want to help the bourgeois-protecting, snarky, intimidating entities that rule over us with weapons they can use against us and almost always get away with?  They have an unspoken bias against people like us, and are never “trying to help us”.  If they’re talking to us, it means they want to lock up or squash dissent, and anything we say can cause harm.

Be safe, take care of each other, and don’t forget those who are locked up!  Maybe our best solidarity right now is to meet in the streets and create the type of community in that moment that will show our strength and poo-poo their attempts at repression.


*** Community has become a hard concept for me to get my head around lately.  When I use it, I mean friends, aquaintances and other radicals of many stripes, and in no way mean to homogenize us into a dogmatic pile of politically correct and cliquish goo.  I’m not into the notion of there being a strong, vibrant community that can withstand opposition and survive no matter who is in or out of it (and that only exists because there is a “not-comminity” on the outside).  But I do see radness in times and spaces of coming together that make me believe that we have something pretty fucking good going on a lot of the time.  To those who made it down this far, here’s a present:  ACAB!!  Written from an undisclosed comfy-ass double bed on Turtle Island somewhere.

Intimidation Tactics: The Police Never Change

Article from Vancouver Media Coop By Indyvan

The Pidgin protesters have ordered social housing, but instead got a taste of intimidation with a side of harassment and even a warrant for “crossing the line”. This is exactly the type of action laid down by the authorities last year during the casserole marches in solidarity with the students in Quebec. More specifically,last june the police targeted and arrested the people they assumed to be the organizers and the more militant protesters. The form of repression chosen by the VPD included a bunch of arrests at a couple marches, including a particularly awesome march where the Cambie Street Bridge was blockaded.  The arrests came with a stay away order from the downtown core, which is where the protests were happening. This was meant to diminish numbers, and it did.

The next step of their intimidation was an excessive amount of police for the next march, which was relatively small.  This intimidation and harassment eventually led to casseroles dwindling out. Although the protests are long over, two protesters are still stuck in the expensive and irrelevant legal apparatus even though their actions would fall into the “lawful” protest the police say they support.

Repression is a common tactic when struggles are gaining momentum. It serves to intimidate those who do not want to become burdened by legalese mumbo-jumbo and potential criminal records.  Arrests and cop presence also deter more people from joining the struggle, which hugely hinders the potentiality of civil unrest.  The cops pull out all the stops to make the arrests as intimidating as possible, though nearly all arrests made in this way never lead to convictions.

It is important to remember the cops will lie and use your words against you. Do not talk to them and if you do receive one of their warnings, you don’t have to give them any personal information.  You can also burn it, eat it, or use it as a coaster.  We simply do not have to acknowledge their authority.  It is important that they are not successful at their intimidation tactics. When they try to divide us, we must have solidarity with our comrades and fellow friends and picketers.

If our struggle lacks solidarity, the fascist Vancouver Police Department will easily crush any form of dissent by dividing and conquering us and we will never see social change. However, if those experiencing repression see that there is solidarity behind them it will encourage them and lessen the affects of the police intimidation, which can be scary.  Our unity can make their attempts irrelevant.

Police protect the rich. This is shown by how closely the police are working with Brendan “$5 Pickle” Grossutti.  They clearly have a relationship, as evidenced by their pleasant dialogue and obvious alliance.  A mysterious incident occurred a few days ago when the cops, strangely absent from the picket, didn’t see a protester being sprayed with bear spray which was allegedly unleashed by a dealer who works down the block.  If Grossutti had been sprayed, you can guarantee the picketers would find themselves in quite a pickle.  Ignorantly, $5 Pickle Grossutti thinks it would be more worthwhile for the picketers to go after the drug dealers. As much as I would love to trash his failed analysis of the DTES I think I could just sum it up as him being a class enemy and a capitalist.

The VPD were unfortunately successful at dismantling the casseroles momentum in Vancouver. Lets not let this happen again! This is not the time to get disenchanted with the struggle. The fact that the state is starting to crack down means we’re getting somewhere.  The police are only as powerful as we let them be.

“People are largely constructed by capitalism. Their opinions are largely constructed by capitalist media, which will always denounce anything not in the economic interests of the owners, managers and clients of the capitalist media.

Actions against the interest of capitalists will therefore never gain popularity until the flow of capital is disrupted and capitalist normality is disrupted.”

Submedia: Abolish The Police…

Stay Calm: some tips of keeping safe in times of state repression…